Donate to WIT

SOT Women in Technology (WIT) has experienced remarkable growth over the past few years. Our organization has become a vibrant community, actively engaging members through a variety of enriching activities and events.

One of the highlights of our journey has been the recognition of our members’ professional accomplishments through various awards. These awards not only celebrate individual achievements but also inspire and motivate our entire community. However, the success of these initiatives relies heavily on the generous support of our members.

To continue fostering excellence and providing valuable opportunities, WIT needs funding. We are reaching out to you for your generous donation to help sustain and expand our programs. Your contribution will directly support our awards, events, and other activities that benefit our members. This table shows the WIT mission-related activities, and the amounts that WIT needs to raise each year:

WIT Mission WIT Mission-Related Activity Amount to Raise
Leadership Annual Reception (Food, Drinks, A/V and Tech Support), Webinars, award plaques, printing Up to $25,000
Mentoring WIT mentoring activity and award:
  • Career Panel at Annual Meeting
  • Mentoring Webinars
  • Mentoring Award
Up to $8,000
Visibility WIT Awards:
  • Postdoctoral Fellow Achievement Award
  • Outstanding Young Investigator Award
  • Smith and Hook Achievement Award
  • Best Manuscript Award
Up to $4,000
Education WIT Training Award:
  • LEAP Award
  • Educational Webinars
Up to $6,000

We have outlined various sponsorship levels and the corresponding acknowledgments for you or your organization in this next table. Your support, at any level, will make a significant impact and will be greatly appreciated.

Donation Form

Contribution Level Amount Acknowledgement Provided by WIT
Supporter < $500 WIT Website and LinkedIn
Bronze $500 to $1,000 Same as Supporter + WIT Poster and Reception Slides
Silver $1,000 to $3,000 Same as Bronze + announcement at the Reception
Gold $3,000 to $5,000 Same as Silver + Photo op at the Reception
Platinum > $5,000 Same as Gold + Newsletter Spotlight and/or Interview; additionally, you or your company’s name will be listed as a contributing Sponsor to the WIT activity of your choice

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to the growth and success of WIT.

Donation Form

For questions, please contact the WIT Treasurer at